From 28 June 2025, the new Accessibility Reinforcement Act will apply in Austria. It obliges companies to offer accessible ICT products and services. This affects ATMs, smartphones, e-commerce and online banking, among other things. The aim is to ensure equal access for people with disabilities. Websites must follow WCAG principles. Non-compliance can result in fines of up to 80,000 euros. Exceptions apply to micro-enterprises. The implementation period is 5 years.

From 28 June 2025, the new Accessibility Reinforcement Act will come into force, which implements the EU “European Accessibility Act” directive in Austria. This law obliges companies to offer accessible products and services in the field of information and communication technology. The scope of application includes important products such as ATMs, smartphones and PCs as well as services such as e-commerce, e-banking and online messaging services. The aim is to give people with disabilities equal access to these essential technologies. A transition period of 5 years is planned for implementation. Self-service terminals that are already in use may even continue to be used until 28 June 2040, but for a maximum of 20 years after they were first put into operation. An important aspect of the law concerns websites. These should be designed in accordance with the WCAG principles (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines):

1. perceptible: e.g. through alternative texts for images
2. operable: e.g. through keyboard navigation
3. understandable: clear language and labelling
4. robust: compatibility with different browsers and assistive devices

Non-compliance may result in administrative fines of up to 80,000 euros, with requests for improvement being issued first. Speaking of accessible descriptions: Are your images not yet described in an accessible way? Smartvisions uses AI to describe your images in excellent quality. This not only helps to comply with the Accessibility Enhancement Act, but also improves your SEO. Just get in touch for a free demo description! The implementation of this law is an important step towards more digital inclusion and accessibility. Companies should familiarise themselves with the requirements at an early stage and adapt their products and services accordingly. However, there are some exceptions: Micro-enterprises with fewer than 10 employees and a maximum annual turnover of 2 million euros are exempt from the regulation, provided they do not manufacture, import or trade products within the scope of application themselves. In addition, companies can deviate from the requirements if this would lead to a disproportionate burden.



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