Do we really need an AI strategy in tourism? My understanding of this: AI is not an end in itself, but a tool. Instead of an isolated AI strategy, we should adapt our corporate strategy. How do you integrate AI into your processes in a meaningful way? How do you use it to increase efficiency and effectiveness and create unique customer experiences? In this article, I will show you why focussing on integration rather than isolation will be the key to success. In the tourism industry, as in many other sectors, artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips. There is hardly a technical discussion or conference without the topic, and many companies are asking themselves whether they need their own AI strategy. Last week, as an expert, I had the opportunity to take part in the “AI Opener for Destinations Bootcamp” in Copenhagen, where this question was also discussed intensively. But is a dedicated AI strategy really the right approach?

Let’s pause for a moment and think about what AI really means for tourism and how we should best deal with it. Firstly, we need to understand that AI is essentially a tool – nothing more and nothing less. Much like a hammer when building a house, AI is a tool that helps us to complete certain tasks more efficiently and effectively. Nobody would think of developing a “hammer strategy” if they wanted to build a house. Instead, you focus on the construction plan and the overall vision of the house and then use the appropriate tools to achieve this goal. Similarly, in tourism, we should not see AI as something separate that requires its own strategy, but as an integral part of our overall strategy. The crucial question is not whether we should use AI, but how we can best integrate it into our existing processes and goals. This means that we first need to focus on our overarching business goals.

What do you want to achieve as a company? How can you offer your customers the best possible service? How can you increase your efficiency while operating sustainably and responsibly?

Only when you have answered these fundamental questions can you start to think sensibly about where and how AI can support you in this. Another important aspect is the question of who should and may use AI in your company. AI tools can be used in many areas – from customer service to travel planning and pricing. But not every employee needs access to all tools, and not every department benefits from the same AI applications. It is therefore important to analyse exactly where AI can offer the greatest added value and how you can best train and support your employees to use these tools effectively. At the same time, you must not forget that the use of AI also brings challenges. Data protection and ethical issues play an important role, especially in an industry that relies as heavily on trust and personal experience as tourism.

You need to ensure that your use of AI is in line with your values and the expectations of your customers. Another point to consider is the rapid development in the field of AI. What is considered cutting-edge today may be outdated tomorrow. That’s why it’s important to remain flexible and not become fixated on a particular technology. Instead, you should focus on establishing a culture of innovation and continuous learning in your company. This also means that you should be open to partnerships and collaborations in order to benefit from the expertise of others and develop new solutions together. In this context, it is also important to bear in mind that AI is likely to become something of a commodity in the future – an everyday technology that runs in the background without us being constantly aware of it. Just as we no longer think about whether we should use the internet today, AI will simply be a natural part of our work processes in the future. So instead of investing time and resources in developing a separate AI strategy, you should focus on adapting your existing business strategy to make the most of AI’s capabilities.

This means that the above questions (and certainly more) need to be discussed in the context of an overall company strategy. The question of how you can use AI to increase your efficiency and effectiveness, boost your creativity and ultimately create a better experience for your customers should be an integral part of this. It is important that you maintain an overview and create clear decision-making structures. Who makes the decisions about the use of AI technologies? How do you prioritise different projects and possible applications? How do you ensure that you always stay up to date without getting lost in the wealth of possibilities? Ultimately, it’s about seeing AI for what it is: a powerful tool that can help you better achieve your goals in tourism. It is not an end in itself and not a solution to all problems. But if you integrate it wisely and thoughtfully into your overall strategy, it can help you become more innovative, efficient and customer-centric. With this in mind, you should stop talking about an AI strategy and instead think about how you want to shape your business strategy in the age of artificial intelligence. It’s not about using AI at all costs, but about using it where it really adds value – for your company, your employees and, above all, for your customers.



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